the Jaipur and Kurla factories almost all non-ferrous metal items, except tubes
and pipes were being manufactured. However, goods made through the process known
as ‘extrusion press’ were still not manufactured in India in large quantities.
So in 1958 Ramjibhai thought about manufacturing such material. His sons always
respected his wishes and made efforts to put them into practice. So plans to
make this material were immediately put into motion.
this purpose, a company by the name of ‘Kamani Tubes Pvt. Ltd.’ was
established. Its first directors were Hasmukh Kamani (Managing Director), John
Porters and Chandravadan Kamani.
addition to tubes and pipes it was decided to manufacture rods of different
shapes and sizes in this factory. In April 1960, they obtained an industrial licence
to manufacture 1,500 tons of rods and 3,000 tons of pipes.
was no need of any expert collaboration in order to manufacture rods, but it
would be needed to manufacture tubes. The production of rods was started in
extrusion press is a kind of apparatus for drawing wires. The difference is
that in the apparatus used for drawing wires, wires are simply drawn from the
apparatus and in an extrusion press high pressure is applied from above or
behind to draw out the wire. Material manufactured by the extrusion press is
much better than the material manufactured in rolling mills and the inherent
qualities of the material are superior, due to which this material is much in
demand by industries. It can be formed into the required shapes using dyes and
moulds. All types of rods - square, round and hexagonal - having a diameter
between 3/8” and 3” were produced in this factory. These rods are used in
motors, cycles, heavy electrical parts (transformers, etc.), wall clocks and
other types of clocks and wrist watches, electrical parts (switches, etc.),
radios and electronic items, locks, telephones, telegraph machines, and staples
for locks, hinges, bolts, etc., used in buildings.
to produce this material were started on 20th August, 1960. The
experiments were successful. So until December 1960, about 80 tons of rods were
manufactured. In the next year 481 tons of rods were produced and in 1962 about
1,048 tons were produced. As the material came on the market, demand for it
increased. As a result, in 1963 and 1964 the output was 1,815 and 2,383 tons
the meantime the shortage of the raw materials – copper and zinc – increased.
As a result the output decreased to 1,806 tons in 1965. Until the end of 1965,
a total of 8,312 tons of rods were manufactured. This was the first stage in
the production of rods.
the second stage it was planned to manufacture pipes and tubes. This process
was difficult, and informed and experienced experts were required. Experts in
the subject were available, but they did not have any experience. So in
February 1960, a technical collaboration was established with a division of the
world famous English company, Imperial Chemicals Ltd.’ known by the name of
‘Imperial Metals Ltd.’ which was situated in Yorkshire. For many years India
had been importing the well known ‘Yim’ brand pipes for its sugar factories.
Having the same expectations of a bright future for these pipes, this
collaboration was established and was successful. Copper and brass pipes of many
different shapes and sizes were manufactured. These good were supplied to the
following industries: Sugar, air conditioner and refrigerator plants, condenser
tubes, railways and transportation, chemicals, textiles, oil refineries,
pharmaceuticals, electrical, radio, fountain pen, ball point pen, sprayers
(agricultural sprinklers), stoves, petromax, diesel, petrol and other engines.
tubes of 10, 14, 16 and 28 gauge were produced having a diameter of 2⅛” and in
14, 16 and 18 gauge ⅝” to 2⅛“ diameter tubes were produced.
tubes of 14, 16 and 18 gauge were produced having a diameter between 2⅟2”
and 2⅛”
and ⅝” to 2⅛”. For sugar factories special tubes having a diameter of 2⅟2”,
which could withstand a pressure of 1,000 pounds (about 456 kgs) and pipes
having a diameter of 4” that could withstand a pressure of 700 pounds (about
318 kgs) were produced. In addition, 14, 16 and 18 gauge tubes,
having a diameter between 2” and 2⅕”
and 15 gauge tubes having a diameter of 4” were manufactured. Due to this,
foreign exchange worth Rs. 50 lakhs was saved.
was extremely satisfied when the work of manufacturing tubes started, as
another stage in the work he had begun was reached.
this factory was supplying goods to the department of defence, it was declared
a ‘protected area’ on 1st January, 1964. It was not possible to
enter the premises without written permission. The details of all the goods
intended for the department of defence had to be kept absolutely secret. The
method of manufacturing them also had to be kept secret.
factory also ventured into export activities from 1964. And within the short
time of two years, it exported goods worth about a lakh of Rupees abroad. Out
of a total production of 2,000 tons, 307 tons was produced in 1963, about twice
that amount or 742 tons in 1964 and almost thrice that amount or 874 tons in the
third year, 1965. Despite a severe shortage of raw material, the fact that the
production almost trebled, within a short period of three years, stands as a
testimony to the factory, and the skill and expertise of its leaders and
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